Vill blogga men hinner liksom inte, är saker som kommer emellan och när tiden finns finns inte inspirationen. Har så många historier jag vill få ur mig, så många funderingar och så mycket känslor. Tar en pluggpaus och berättar:
-Tre veckor tills det nya livet är slut och ett nytt börjar
-Best sleep
Här är nåt jag skrivit förut när jag testade lite grejer. Realityfiction.
When I walk the starlight walk I no longer wonder if you're seeing the same stars. When I draw hearts on my notebook in class of boredom its not because you're on my mind, and the letter I write inside the heart is not the first letter of your name anymore. When I buy lingerie I don't look myself in the mirror asking if you would appriciate it. When my gut feels bubbly and I smile it is not because you said something sweet, you're not making me happy. When I long for a touch and warm embrace it is not yours. When I think of the next thing I want to learn it is nothing you can teach me. When you say you have moved on it's fine.
The stars are seen by a million other people. You will find a capital S in my hearts, the most important person in my life. I often go without lingerie, just for fun. I'm bubbly because I am free and many things make me smile nowdays. The embrace I long for is for one that will never make the mistake and let me go. I want to learn something useful this time for I already know what a broken heart feels like. When I need to I say I too have moved on.
Ni vet ibland måste man instala sig saker för att dom ska bli sanna. Blundar man hårt och önskar många många gånger blir dom det tillslut också! xx