God Jul
God Jul önskar jag! Denna jul kommer vara god, jag känner det. Den har börjat bra!!
On this cold day that sparkle who do you want to wish a merry christmas? Your loved ones or people who have been nice to you this year. Maybe to people who have been bad hoping your kindness will lead them to theirs. To all the people who have to spend this day alone. To all the people spending everyday alone. No matter who, just make sure you do it for this day only comes once a year and passes fast. Be happy, think happy thoughts, and send happy thoughts. This day is not about you it is about love. Be kind and tell the people you love you love them. It can never be said enough. Don't forget to remember the people you forgot to remember. Give a stranger your smile. Sparkle today for it is a magical day!
Merry Christmas!